Friday, April 8, 2011

Pokemon Black and White Global Link

Took them long enough! Would have been nice if there was a sticker on the package that said "only partially works"! Oh well :) Reading further apparently the Japanese earthquake delayed it... can't really get mad at them for that. So who plays Pokemon? Yes me. I'm 21, and still play. What's it to you? It's a good game! :) I've started getting into EV breeding and such, and it's pretty fun. I might post my friend ID at some point, but meh right now.



  1. Finally! Now I might have to check it out, eh? :)

  2. 22yo and still playing on game boy emulators (;

  3. Wish I was young enough to justify buying pokémon games still... stuck with the emulators on my phone!

  4. Go in, and explain to the clerk you're buying it for your son. #winning :-D

  5. i was an addict to this game
